
當前位置:首頁  >  新聞動態  >  閥門的驅動方式


更新時間: 2022-08-30      點擊次數: 3484



1. 手動:借助手輪、手柄、杠桿或鏈輪等,有人力驅動,傳動較大力矩時,裝有蝸輪、齒輪等減速裝置。

2. 電動:借助電擊或其他電氣裝置來驅動。

3. 液動:借助(水、油)來驅動。

4. 氣動;借助壓縮空氣來驅動。


1. 真空閥:絕對壓力<0.1MPa即760mm汞柱高的閥門,通常用mm汞柱或mm   水柱表示壓力。

2. 低壓閥:公稱壓力PN≤1.6MPa的閥門(包括PN≤1.6MPa的鋼閥)

3. 中壓閥:公稱壓力PN2.5—6.4MPa的閥門。

4. 高壓閥:公稱壓力PN10.0—80.0MPa的閥門。

5. 超高壓閥:公稱壓力PN≥100.0MPa的閥門。


1. 普通閥門:適用于介質溫度-40~425℃的閥門。

2. 高溫閥門:適用于介質溫度425~600℃的閥門。

3. 耐熱閥門:適用于介質溫度600℃以上的閥門。

4. 低溫閥門:適用于介質溫度-40~-150℃的閥門。

5. 超低溫閥門:適用于介質溫度-150℃以下的閥門。

Valve according to the driving mode, according to different driving mode can be divided:


1. Manual: with the help of hand wheel, handle, lever or sprocket, there is human drive, transmission torque is large, equipped with worm gear, gear and other reduction devices.


2. Electric: driven by electric shock or other electrical devices.


3. Hydraulic: driven by (water, oil).


Pneumatic; 4. Powered by compressed air.


Four, according to the pressure, according to the nominal pressure of the valve can be divided:


1. Vacuum valve: absolute pressure < 0.1mpa, that is, 760mm mercury high valve, usually with mm mercury or MM water column to represent the pressure.


2. Low pressure valve: nominal pressure PN≤ 1.6mpa valve (including PN≤ 1.6mpa steel valve)


3. Medium pressure valve: nominal pressure PN2.5-6.4mpa valve.


4 high pressure valve: nominal pressure PN10.0-80.0MPa valve.


5. Ultra high pressure valve: nominal pressure PN≥100.0MPa valve.


Five, according to the temperature of the medium, according to the valve working medium temperature can be divided:


1. Ordinary valve: suitable for medium temperature -40 ~ 425℃ valve.


2. High temperature valve: suitable for the medium temperature of 425 ~ 600℃ valve.


3. Heat resistant valve: suitable for the medium temperature of 600℃ or above the valve.


4 low temperature valve: suitable for medium temperature -40 ~ -150℃ valve.


5 ultra-low temperature valve: suitable for the medium temperature below -150℃ valve.低溫閥門(cryogenic valve)≥-196°C


高溫帶散熱層閥門(High temperature cooling layer valve) ≤500°C

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